Posts tagged event
27 March 2023 Talking to Parents at St Peter's Loudwater

Louise and Elizabeth are passionate about sharing the science around how our brains are built and the role we all have in helping babies, children and teenagers build the best possible brains!   In the same way that we all understand a little about how diet and smoking may affect our physical health, the Brain Story team would like everyone in our community to understand more about brain development and how we can use our scientific understanding to improve outcomes for both children and adults in the future. The session will include information about different skills babies and children acquire as they grow, and the vital role of caregivers in supporting young people reach their potential. We will also watch short animations with metaphors to understand the key scientific concepts and have plenty of time to discuss practical ways to apply these ideas in everyday family life.

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Elizabeth Rapaevent
25 April 2023 Growing Minds Learning Day

Growing Minds is an ambitious, collaborative project, bringing together experienced organisations and tried-and-tested interventions to improve school readiness and support young children’s life chances. Find more here:

The Oxford Brain Story team will discuss how embedding an understanding of the early years for life long health will improve outcomes for generations

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Evans Huntevent
29 June 2023 Oxfordshire Virtual School Conference ‘Breaking Down Barriers to Success

What makes the biggest difference to Children We Care For in school

  • How we can use our scientific understanding of brain development to improve outcomes for both children and adults in the future

  • What we mean by trauma-informed practice

  • The neuroscience of shame

  • Best practice when it comes to whole-setting approaches to trauma recovery

  • Creating capacity and developing resilience for trauma-informed practice in school systems

  • Accessing support for Previously Cared For Children

  • Promoting the Education of Children with a Social Worker

  • Trauma-Informed Relational Practice

  • Getting the most out of the PEP process and Pupil Premium

  • The day will consist of keynotes, a choice of 5 workshops, an opportunity to network and a panel Q&A.

Keynote speakers include:

Dr Louise Dalton and Dr Elizabeth Rapa from Oxford Brain Story

Betsy de Thierry - Psychotherapist, author, trainer and founder of the Trauma Recovery Centre

Dr Hester Riviere - Educational Psychologist, ATTACH Team 

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Evans Huntevent